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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why market to the military?

Why should you make marketing to the military an integral part of your marketing strategy? Because the military market is stable. Military personnel do not get “laid off.” Their jobs are secure. Their income is secure. But there is much more to the military market than “uniforms.” In most cases, a military base is the largest employer in the region. Each base also employs hundreds of civilians in support roles. Plus, there is a large contingent of defense contractor personnel at each base to support Defense Department contracts.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Welcome to Marketing To The Military! As publisher of twelve aerospace and military base newspapers in CA, AZ and NV for almost 25 years, I have seen a lot of varied attempts by businesses to reach the lucrative military market. Some worked, some didn't. Share your success stories here of campaigns that worked, or pitfalls you found.

Please do not place company ads or promotional plugs here. This site is designed to put forth ideas that work.

If you are new to the concept of marketing to the military, check out This is a companion site to Aerotech News and Review and reads much like a Q&A, giving basic information about how and why military papers work.